Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Chiropractor

Wow, I took a little break didn't I? =) Let me tell you the most wonderful news in the world right now! I went to a Chiropractor!!!!!!! Ever think that they were only for those who could afford to be pampered like a massage? Well that is what I thought, UNTIL a friend mentioned that a chiropractor could help open my ear back up. As I was still having pain and no drainage no matter how much decongestant I was taking.

It is now my professional opinion that EVERYONE go to a Chiropractor on a regular basis. These are the Dr.'s that actually improve life without writing a prescription! SUBLUXATION, look it up. Our Spinal chord and nervous system is connected to our spine. What happens when your spine gets out of alignment? Your spinal chord and nervouse system are altered and not for the better. Your brain can't send signals to your body, so you end up with altered health and pain or just plain think that this is how life is supposed to be.

I have been seriously struggling for the past two years and possibly more, but I have really noticed since I gave birth to Preston that I wasn't feeling right. I've been severely depressed, have had anxiety attacks, anger issues, back pain, and EXHAUSTION! After going to the Chiropractor and getting x-rays, etc. I could SEE the issues in my spine and the locations with the trouble effects my sight, thyroid, emotions, ears nose throat, stomach, balance, and my nervous system was always "on" high alert meaning I was always exhausted. I know there was more but that is what I can remember at this point. It was cool to have him tell me the areas where my spine wasn't happy and be like "yep, yep, yep, yep" almost like a palm reader. (I've never been to a palm reader, but he was reading my spine and it was right on with my symptoms).

So I finally decided to go and pay the money for the first appointment to see if he could fix my ear, after the first adjustment I was in AWE as to how relaxed I felt. He popped, snapped and cracked me, with Zack as my witness (I think the doc might have been showing But that evening surrounded by kids at a baseball game with all the noise, etc. I was completely relaxed. I have not been relaxed in a LONG TIME. It was SO amazing to me, I looked down at my hands and noticed that they were not clinched or in fists and that I actually enjoyed an evening with the family and felt amazing! JUST AFTER ONE ADJUSTMENT.

He showed me the plan he put in order for me and come hell or high water I am going to make sure I can afford it and get back to health so I can enjoy life again. I have been able to lower my mood medication, I've been able to have energy and have a feeling of ease which I'd envied in so many. No amount of diet or exercise, or pills could give me what I have now without side effects and chemicals. I'm so thankful I was so desperate to try ANYTHING and my prayers have been answered. After my second adjustment where he released jaw muscles, and cricked my neck really good, my ear opened up, I couldn't believe that either, it took 10 hours, but it worked!

So anyway, I thought I would share, I just can't believe the good results I have and how common sense it all is, and that I've misunderstood it all for so long! My kids are all going next. I'd like to make Zack go, but he isn't a believer at least for himself. I know he is a believer for me because after my first week of adjustments I suddenly had energy to clean the house, he came down stairs, looked around and told me I should get adjusted more often. I agree. I'm so grateful and so happy! I just want to shout it out from the rooftops!!!!!! But I suppose my blog and fb

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