Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Feast

Today I attended church with Mom and Dad. It was so wonderful as I hadn't been in 3 weeks, and was SO ready to go back. The meetings were all wonderful, I truly do love and enjoy fast and testimony meetings. I always feel the Spirit. Dad taught Sunday School about how the church policy's change with the needs of a growing church. It was really interesting to learn about. How there are limits so that there is time to find and create leaders to delegate and make sure the work is done in order. He gave an example about Elder Zitattee (first member of the 70 out of Africa) his family and friends were so offended when he chose to join the church since they Priesthood had not been given to Black men at the time. His view on this was that it was what needed in the Lord's time. Right now the gospel is spreading like wildfire in Africa, and to keep up with this in an orderly fashion missionaries are only allowed to tract within 30 min walking time of their apt. Soon it will be different as things are established and in Order and in the Lord's time. I thought it was very interesting and enjoyable to learn about.

Relief Society was also fabulous. Darla Stanger taught a lesson on Blessings of Obedience and also had Sandra Koelzer share about how being obedient had blessed her for 5 years while her family was out of work. They chose to be as obedient as possible as it was promised in the scriptures that the obedient would be blessed and taken care of. It was wonderful, she pointed out 7 areas that truly blessed her family. In random order...

1-to ask for what was needed in prayer, and then to meditate

2-Tithing, usually came back 100 fold in Spiritual blessings, instead of saying that lucky, or coincidence, noticed that it was blessings.

3-Word of Wisdom, health (they were without health insurance and only needed medical for one broken hand during the 5 years)
One note I LOVED that she mentioned about this, was D&C 89:124, a way to cease fatigue was not only to go to bed early and rise early, but to also CEASE TO FIND FAULT. Isn't that interesting?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

4-Having Gratitude


6-Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy As she mentioned this I started listing all the things I would need to change for this (keep everyone in church clothes all day, no tv, journal writing, etc etc etc. It was my favorite that she said, to her, to keep the Sabbath Day holy she chose NOT to do laundry on Sunday. Now I CAN DO THAT!!!

7-Honer they Father and Mother that they days may be long in the Land I found this interesting, but when you do these things, there is greater love.

She ended with saying "Thank Him, Praise Him, & Do what He Says" which I totally plan on cutting into vinyl and adhering it to my wall.

Another comment was "Luck favors the Prepared" when we prepare, we are more able to deal with any circumstances. Sandra had food storage, they had retirement AND savings. So they were able to keep their home and avoid bankruptcy. So this saying makes great sense.

So by BEING OBEDIENT we will find ourselves greatly blessed and I know that we all feel that we could use some help in our lives, the key is to be obedient to the Father and align our will with His, and we'll be much better for it.


Quick last note, Darla shared a story of Tami's kids. Adam and Sarah both prayed for a sibling, Adam prayed for a brother, and Sarah Prayed for a sister. They received a call that a little girl needed a family. They picked her up. Sarah was so thankful that her prayers had been answered she shared that with her family. Adam was silent, and in the evening Tami was able to talk with him about what was bothering him. He asked her why God hadn't answered his prayers. Tami is so wise and so in tune with the Spirit, She responded that Heavenly Father knew that this little girl needed a family and need to have a great big brother to help take care of her so He sent her to them. She explained that they can ask for what they want, but that Heavenly Father can choose how to answer our prayers, and that He will do what is best. It was really sweet and better said than my paraphrasing. But this will help me remember a great lesson.

Thank you for a very informative and uplifting day!

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